New Office Procedures Offer Convenience and Reduce Recovery Time

By Brooke Kyle, MD

We are excited to now offer women in Lane County more options in their health care decision making process. Now, Women’s Care patients have important new choices available: hysteroscopy and endometrial ablation. These procedures can be provided in-office at the RiverBend facility or in the McKenzie Surgery Center for Country Club patients. Your Women’s Care physician is happy to discuss the alternatives with you and what’s clinically appropriate for your needs. Below are more detailed descriptions of each of these procedures.

This procedure is used to look for abnormalities in the uterus, causes of abnormal bleeding and to see if uterine problems are contributing to infertility.

The patient is given anesthesia, and the physician then inserts a thin camera called a hysteroscope into the vagina and gently moves it through the cervix and into the uterus. The hysteroscope has a light and camera attached to visualize the uterine lining on a video screen. If uterine abnormalities such as fibroids or polyps are found, they can be removed through the hysteroscope.

The procedure and the recovery are brief. Patients may resume their normal activities the following day, although there may be some mild cramping or a bit of discharge for a few days.

Endometrial Ablation
Endometrial ablation is an effective, non-hormonal, permanent treatment that offers relief for women who suffer from heavy periods and whose families are complete. This minimally invasive, short surgical procedure can be performed in the RiverBend office or at the McKenzie Surgery Center.

An ablation cauterizes the uterine lining, resulting in a significant reduction or absence of menstrual flow. Several devices are used to achieve endometrial ablations. During an ablation, the device is passed through the cervix and opened in the uterine cavity. Cauterization is performed and the device is removed; no incisions are necessary. A woman’s natural hormonal cycles are not affected by this procedure. Many women resume normal activity and return to work in the next couple of days.

A clinical study reported that 96% of women reported satisfaction with this procedure and 89% had reduced menstrual pain and cramping.

Your Women’s Care Physician would be happy to discuss these procedures with you!