What tests are included in prenatal diagnosis?

Ultrasound: This test uses sound waves (not radiation) to create a picture of the unborn baby on a special screen. It provides useful information about the unborn baby such as size, position, presence of twins (or more), and the presence of some physical defects. Ultrasound screening has been done on millions of pregnant women without any known harm to the mother or the baby.
Nuchal Translucency Ultrasound: This measurement of the fluid in the back of the fetal neck is used to screen for chromosomal abnormalities like Down syndrome. The Nuchal Translucency Quality Review certifies all of the sonographers and physicians at CFGMFM.
Detailed Anatomy or Level 2 Ultrasound:
In the second trimester, we obtain a detailed view of the internal organ systems of your baby, as well as measurements. This provides information about your baby’s development. The detailed protocol we follow is approved by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.
Fetal Echocardiogram: A highly specialized ultrasound evaluation of the baby’s heart by a technician with advanced training.
Screening Tests: These tests are used to obtain an educated guess as to whether or not a baby has a specific condition. Some women will receive an increased risk and some women will receive a decreased risk. In other words, screening tests do not determine exactly which babies do or do not have the condition. A screening test narrows down the number of pregnancies that need more extensive testing (see below).
Diagnostic Tests: These are invasive tests to evaluate the fetal or placental chromosomes.

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