Obstetrics in Eugene & Springfield
The OBGYNs and staff of Women’s Care believe that all patients have the right to expect the best possible obstetric care and counseling before, during, and after pregnancy. As an independent group of physicians, we are large enough to offer comprehensive obstetric services in both Eugene and Springfield, yet small enough to ensure that each of our patients receives the complete and undivided attention they deserve.
As your OBGYN, we will partner with you in the decision-making process of your health care.
Learn why we’re the preferred choice for obstetrics and women’s health care.
Helpful Information
- Pregnancy
- FAQs
- Nutrition/Food Safety
- Safe Medicines
- Labor Instructions
- Postpartum Instructions
- Breastfeeding
- Fourth Trimester Plan
- Where We Deliver
- Mental Health After Birth with Dr. Kyle
If you are looking to schedule an appointment with an OBGYN or have questions you may call or message us.