Your Birth. Your Way.

The best birth is the birth with the best outcome. Your birthing plan should include whatever is best for you and your baby. The birthing process is a very personalized experience for a reason. It does not need to match other experiences you hear about. And sometimes, the birthing process does not go as planned. It is important to know you have options to individualize your birthing experience. Below we explain variations on birthing and what you can expect for your birth.  

Vaginal Birth
Vaginal birth is the most common birthing experience worldwide. Vaginal births are ideally spontaneous but can be induced when necessary. In a healthy pregnancy, the earliest your doctor might recommend inducing labor is 39 weeks. Vaginal birth is more likely to lead to a shorter hospital stay, allowing you to enjoy the comforts of home with your new family sooner.  

According to CDC data, cesarean births are less than one-third of total deliveries in the country. This method of delivery has a variety of indications including breech presentation, active herpes infection, fetal heart rate abnormalities, a baby that is too large to fit through the pelvis or previous uterine surgery. Consult with your OB or midwife on the option that is most appropriate for you. One benefit of planned cesarean section is having some choice on your baby’s birthday.  

Unmedicated Birth
Some birthing people prefer to avoid medications during labor and delivery. For some, this feels like a more natural experience. An unmedicated birth allows you to have greater control of the birthing experience. Many feel a stronger connection to the birthing experience while feeling more of the sensations that come with contractions and pushing. You may also be able to change positions more easily than with a medicated birth. Unmedicated births have less potential for you or your baby to experience side effects from medication or intervention.  

Unmedicated births are not for everyone. Many women make the decision before or during labor to have an epidural to assist in the process of labor and birth. An epidural is the placement of a catheter in the lower back which can deliver medication to the nerve roots of the lower body. Epidurals can offer relief from the pain of labor and birth. Talk with your provider about what the best option may be for you.  

Midwife Support
Certified Nurse-Midwifes (CNMs) are registered nurses who are certified to provide care during pregnancy and labor. Midwifery focuses on the holistic and physiologic side of pregnancy. They act as your healthcare partner in your pregnancy journey, offering advice on nutrition, birthing techniques and breastfeeding. Women’s Care is proud to have several wonderful CNMs who can help support you through your pregnancy and birth.  

Our midwife services offer support through each stage of pregnancy. Your midwife will listen to your ideas and concerns surrounding your birth and help you develop an individualized birth plan. At the end of the day, no matter what it may look like, what feels right for you is the best birthing experience you can have. Our midwives are here to help you find what birth your way looks like.  

Wondering what birth plan is best for you? Our team is here to help make your birth the best experience possible. Call us for more information or to schedule your consultation with your provider of choice: a women’s care midwife or obstetrician.