Advanced Laparoscopy – it’s not your mother’s hysterectomy

In years past, a hysterectomy was viewed by many patients and physicians as a sort of “cure-all” for a range of disorders that affected the maturing woman. At the time, it surely was the most effective available treatment for a lot of these conditions. Even as non-surgical intervention and medical [Read More]

Fitness during Pregnancy

As women, pregnancy is a unique time in our lives, when we are not only responsible for our own bodies but the one growing inside us as well. Today, we are seeing many more obese women during pregnancy. Our wonderful, unborn babies are powerful motivators to improve ourselves and in [Read More]

Counseling through Change

No one is free of stress. Many of us handle it well, most of the time, but there are still life events that can “tip us over.” Perhaps our teenager is acting out, our partner has cheated on us, or we are facing a major life-threatening medical event. In those [Read More]

Healthy Eating During Pregnancy

I would like to take a moment to help empower you to consider using your pregnancy as a time for lifestyle change. This is definitely not an easy challenge, but one that will have great rewards if met. Effective change needs to focus on nutrition and exercise. It is a two- step process and [Read More]

Thinking About Having A Baby?

The idea of starting or expanding your family is exciting but can also be nerve-racking. In order to have an easy pregnancy and a healthy baby, you want to be as healthy as possible before you begin your pregnancy. There is a lot of information out there about the best [Read More]

The Life You Change May be Your Own

"The life you change may be your own." This is the motto of Cascade Medical Team which organizes medical missions to Guatemala to serve the indigenous people in the mountain highlands. In March, 2014 I had the wonderful opportunity to go on a trip to Guatemala with the Cascade Medical Team [Read More]

Doctor Appreciation Day!

In Honor of Doctor Appreciation Day, the team of employees from Women’s Care wishes to extend our sincerest Thank You to each of our wonderful Physicians! Your dedication to your patients, employees, & to your colleagues is amazing! We Appreciate You! Women’s Care   The Fertility Center of Oregon Brant [Read More]

Healing Hands – Giving Back to the Lane County Community

[caption id="attachment_1605" align="alignright" width="270"][/caption] A homemade broom, a handed down wooden figurine, a thank you card… these are a few of my favorite things.  Without any financial or insurance resources available, women from our community offer me gifts of appreciation.  For one afternoon a month, I have the privilege of [Read More]

The Holidays & That Nagging “Gotta Go Feeling”

[caption id="attachment_1570" align="alignright" width="143"][/caption] Many of us find ourselves with far too much to do as the holidays approach and the last thing we need is more of that “gotta go feeling” known as overactive bladder or urinary urgency. There are several reasons why we may experience an increase [Read More]