Permanent Contraception

When your family is complete, talk to your Women’s Care physician.

There are many options open to you when you know your family is complete. It is important to understand these procedures are permanent and not reversible. You must be 100% sure of the decision to have permanent contraception.

When your family is complete, talk to your Women’s Care physician.

There are many options open to you when you know your family is complete. It is important to understand these procedures are permanent and not reversible. You must be 100% sure of the decision to have permanent contraception.

Please refer to our contraception section if you possibly want more children.

Options for permanent contraception include:

Laparoscopic Bilateral Tubal Ligation:
Traditional laparoscopic tubal ligation is an effective form of permanent contraception. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia at a hospital or outpatient surgery center. The recovery usually takes 1-2 weeks. The failure rate is 3-5/1000/year, with an increased risk of pregnancy in your tube IF pregnancy occurs.

Vasectomy is a procedure performed on a man to provide permanent sterilization. It can be performed in his primary care doctor’s office (if they offer that service). It is also available at Oregon Urology Institute.

This procedure separates the connecting tube (the vas deferens) that links the sperm to the outside world. It is associated with minimal recovery. It is incredibly important to confirm there are no sperm remaining after the procedure via the recommendations of the doctor performing the procedure before relying on the procedure for birth control.